STEM Students in classroom 和 in front of MEC Building

Military Services



​Executive Director

Military Services Office​​s

坎伯兰 Campus
Academic Building,

电子邮件: [email protected]

Phone: 856-200-4763 or
856-468-5000 ext 6412

学生服务 Building, 2nd Floor

电子邮件: [email protected]

Phone: 856-464-5239​

Federal Student 援助

​​​​​​​​​​ 的 admission process for military students follows the schedule for all new students (including 位置测试 和 登记​).

  • Veterans benefits students who need informatio​n regarding their Montgomery GI Bill Benefits need to log on to the 退伍军人管理局网站 和 follow the prompts to Education Benefits. This website will provide Chapters 31, 33, 35, 1606 和 1607 eligibility requirements. If you have any questions regarding these programs 和 benefits, please call 856-464-5239 or email [email protected].

  • National Guard Free Tuition Program: New applicants for the National Guard Free Tuition Program should complete their 金融援助 paperwork​ five to seven weeks before actual registration. All National Guard students must submit an original Comm和er's Letter of Certification each time they register for classes. This letter must be dated no more than 60 days before the date of registration for courses. All applicants must submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助) 每年. 除了, National Guard students must declare a major of study (undecided is not acceptable) 和 must maintain a 2.00 grade point average. All students in the program must wait until late registration to register for courses. Late registration dates are available in the Student Development Office. National Guard students may submit appropriate documents for evaluation for the possible award of credits for military training. Contact the Office of Veterans Affairs for more information.

  • Learn more about transferring credits to RCSJ

  • 坎伯兰 Transfer Page​
  • ​​​威尼斯人注册 Transfer Page

To view the updated listing of courses available through Distance Learning, visit our dedicated 一个学习网站.
